Administrators and Teachers
General Educational Development
April 28th the Administrative Rule and Regulation Review Subcommittee met and approved the new policy for GED Testing that will allow us to change the cut scores for the GED® Test and Ready™ Test to 145 as passing on each part. The rule became effective Thursday, May 5 due to the ten-day required waiting period. GED Testing Service has been notified and confirmed that they would adjust the Arkansas scores to reflect the new cut scores on Thursday, May 5.
The official test scores and Ready® test scores are retroactive to January 1, 2014. The Arkansas GED office will be mailing diplomas/transcripts to those who have passed the test. Please let us know if you have questions or concerns. Thank you for your patience in this matter.
Step by Step Process for Taking the GED® Test in Arkansas – PDF
Steps to Earn Your GED Diploma Infograph – PDF
Online GED Practice Tests by Test Prep Review
Luther H. Black Memorial Scholarship
Scholarship Recipient Ruby Johnson