Administrators and Teachers
Individual Consulting for Students with Learning Disabilities
Wendy Bryant, the AALRC Disabilities Project Manager, is available on a limited basis to provide direct, explicit, and on-site consultation with adult education and literacy students who have learning disabilities. The purpose of the consultation is to work directly with the student and staff (e.g., instructor, program director, GED examiner) to review documentation and collectively determine effective and appropriate instructional strategies and accommodations to help the student reach their program goals.
Prior to the scheduled consultation, the program should gather all necessary documentation, including the student’s most current psychological evaluation, the results of the Vision Therapy Assessment screening, and a completed Payne-Jordan Learning Inventory and summary sheet. If the student will be present during the consultation, Ms. Bryant will ask the student’s permission to share any confidential information with all who are present. If the student will not be present and the meeting attendees plan to share confidential information about the student, the student must sign a confidential release-of-information form prior to the meeting.
If you would like to schedule a consultation for one or more of your students, please contact Wendy Bryant at 800-832-6242 or send e-mail to wendy@aalrc.org. All consultations are scheduled based on availability and upon approval by the AALRC director.