Administrators and Teachers
Best Free Learning Websites
The AALRC has put together a list of “Best Free Learning Websites” and we would like to hear from you about your favorite free websites. What good sites are you using now? What are your favorites from this list? This list is not complete yet – we need your help to make it a better list for everyone. Please email Rob Pollan rob@aalrc.org for comments and suggestions.
Table Of Content
Khan Academy – fantastic website with great videos that students can watch over and over till they get the concepts. The math section includes practice and an extensive tracking program for the teachers. http://www.khanacademy.org/
BBC English and Math for Adults – lots of good stuff in here including videos, training, quizzes, and games. http://www.bbc.co.uk/skillswise
TV411 – Get practical practice – reading, writing, vocabulary, math, learning. http://www.tv411.org/
Mathantics – The instructional videos are free and a few of the worksheets and answer keys are free. If a teacher wants to use all of the worksheets and answer keys (for all lessons) the fee is $20.00 per year. Before I bought the extras on this, I used the website and backed up each video lesson with lesson worksheets that matched from https://www.math-aids.com/. Once I bought the subscription to the website, I no longer had to pull worksheets from math.aids.com. However, if a teacher wants to use Mathantics.com without purchasing a subscription, then Math-aids is good for worksheets that match pretty well. https://mathantics.com/ (Review and recommendation by Gayla Fiest)
Goodwill Community Foundation – includes Reading, Computers, and Math. Nice layout with lots of activities. http://www.gcflearnfree.org/
Fonics – good audio and pictures that go along with the words http://www.fonetiks.org/foniks/
Literacynet Learning Resources -Great reading site with stories from CNN and a local CBS affiliate. You can read the story and view the video, then look for the activities on the left to test
your knowledge and comprehension – vocabulary, word selection, multiple choice, sequencing, conclusions, and “your turn”. http://literacynet.org/cnnsf/home.html
Starfall – starts at the beginning and works its way up. The site is designed for children but is effective for anyone. http://www.starfall.com/
U.S.A. Learns – Learn English and improve basic reading, writing, speaking and life skills. Slick website with videos and audio. www.usalearns.org
Learning English – free printable materials. http://www.englishbanana.com/
BBC English and Math for Adults – lots of good stuff in here including videos, training, quizzes, and games. http://www.bbc.co.uk/skillswise
Pearsonlongman – Online practice reading tests. http://www.pearsonlongman.com/ae/marketing/sfesl/practicereading.html
TV411 – Get practical practice reading, writing, vocabulary, math, learning. http://www.tv411.org/
RHL School – Reading comprehension worksheets http://rhlschool.com/reading.htm
Read Write Think – Lesson plans, guides, materials, and more. http://www.readwritethink.org/
Natural Reader – your computer will read aloud any text to you. http://www.naturalreaders.com/
Reading Skills for Today’s Adults – read the text and hear the audio as you read. Reading levels .7-8.0 http://resources.marshalladulteducation.org/reading_skills_home.htm
PaperRater – Free online Grammar Check, Plagiarism Detection, and Writing Suggestions http://paperrater.com/
Chompchomp.com – Grammar terms, exercises, handouts and more http://www.chompchomp.com/
Free Reading – Provides a library of activities and other curricular resrouces for literacy development. http://www.freereading.net
Read Central – A veritable goldmine of free online books by the most widely read and best known authors from across the world. No Downloads. No subscription. Just read books online for free. Use the Smart Reader switch to change font size and colors. https://www.readcentral.com
DuoLingo -Top notch, full featured language learning program.
New American Horizons – great ESL instructional videos that help with lesson planning and teaching ESL instructional techniques. http://www.newamericanhorizons.org/training-videos
PUMAROSA – this site is bilingual phonetic and is designed to help you learn English as quickly and easily as possible. http://www.pumarosa.com/
ESL Resource Center – has various stories with multiple choice exercises. http://eslus.com/LESSONS/READING/READ.HTM
Rong-Chang – conversations with audio and exercises. Large selection of lessons for beginners and intermediates.
English Speak – text and audio that allows the user to point at any text in the story and it will instantly read it out loud at your chosen speed. http://englishspeak.com/
ESL Cyber Listening Lab – stories are read out loud to the listener with quick quizes afterwards. http://esl-lab.com/
Colorin Colorado – is a free web-based service that provides information, activities and advice for educators and Spanish-speaking families of English language learners (ELLs). http://www.colorincolorado.org/
Bow Valley College School of Global Access – stories with matching pictures are read out loud with text. https://globalaccess.bowvalleycollege.ca/learners/readers.php
Typing Club – this site comes highly recommend by computer teacher Linda Holland: https://www.typingclub.com
Sense-Lang – Great typing website. Tutorials and games that are well thought out and informative. Even includes a school section that allows you to register as a teacher and make assignments for your students. http://www.sense-lang.org/typing/
Typing Web – Another good typing website. Tells you your problem keys, has “Tools for Teachers” that allows you to track your students progress and time. http://www.typingweb.com/
Speed Typing Online – https://www.speedtypingonline.com/typing-test
Keybr.com – quick and easy touch typing http://www.keybr.com/#!game
Learn Excel with Excel Easy– well laid out site with downloadable examples that will help you quickly learn various Excel topics. http://www.excel-easy.com
Microsoft Digital Literacy – Whether you are new to computing or have some experience, this curriculum will help you develop a fundamental understanding of computers. The courses help you learn the essential skills to begin computing with confidence, be more productive at home and at work, stay safe online, use technology to complement your lifestyle, and consider careers where you can put your skills to work. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/digitalliteracy/home
GCF – Goodwill Community Foundation – Computers,reading, and Math. Computer section includes Computer Basics, Microsoft Excel, Facebook 101, Microsoft Offce, Internet Basics, Google, and more. Most sections have lessons, interactives, quizzes and videos. http://www.gcflearnfree.org/
For a full list of topics see http://www.gcflearnfree.org/topics
Microsoft Office Training – courses for specific parts of Office. Courses include practice and tests.
Jan’s Computer Literacy – not the best of the bunch, but some useful components including quizzes.
Digital Skills Library – The Digital Skills Library is an open repository of free learning resources designed to help all adult learners develop the digital skills needed to achieve their personal, civic, educational, and career goals.
Grow with Google – Free training, tools, and resources to help you grow your skills, career, or business. https://grow.google
Adult Learning Web Resources – Comprehensive list of learning websites. http://www.alresources.com/
Books Should Be Free – audio books that can be downloaded or streamed. http://www.booksshouldbefree.com/
Watch Know Learn – large list of learning videos for many subjects. http://watchknowlearn.org/default.aspx
Free Rice – Great vocaulary site that also includes several other subjects. Works like a multiple choice game. http://freerice.com
Hippo Campus – In depth website with interactive topics and courses. http://www.hippocampus.org/
Spelling – very good site that allows you to type in your own words and then it will test you by reading the words out loud, also has flash cards and more http://www.spellingcity.com/
Spelling – you can use this site to get lists of words for a certain grade level, then copy and paste them into spellingcity.com (above) to learn and test http://www.homespellingwords.com/index.htm
Spelling – list of most common mispelled words on the GED test. Copy and paste parts of the list into spellingcity.com to learn and test http://www.gedforfree.com/free-ged-course/language-arts/most-commonly-misspelled-ged-words.html
Interactive Online Activities for ESL and ABE / GED – great list of websites. If you can’t find it on our page look here. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1j907b3kxoEoiJrWEfxFfKC6TRIYwIrWaor6SeJc7f18/edit
Jefferson Lab – balance chemical equations http://education.jlab.org/elementbalancing
Mometrix Academy – extensive test preparations https://www.mometrix.com/academy
Free Rice – Great for vocabulary. It will automatically adjust to your vocabulary level, or hit the change level button to access all levels of vocabulary. It also has several other subjects to choose from. http://freerice.com
Vocabulary.com – Puts words into context and asks multiple choice questions. Works well and you can sign up so it can track your progress. http://vocabulary.com
Vocabulary.co.il – Vocabulary games and resources. http://www.vocabulary.co.il/
Khan Academy – history videos. http://www.khanacademy.org
Hippo Campus – In depth website with interactive topics and courses. http://www.hippocampus.org/
Geoguessr – this is a fun and entertaining site that uses Google Maps to locate you somewhere in the world and you have to guess where. Great for getting people interested in Geography. https://www.geoguessr.com
Sheppard Software – Great map games that have different levels of play. If you want to learn geography and memorize locations and capitals quickly, this site will help you achieve it in a fun and challenging way.. http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/Geography.htm
Maps.com – wide range of fun geography games. http://www.maps.com/funfacts.aspx
GED Pratice Tests
2014 Computer-Based Test Tutorial -learn how the GED Test works online – http://gedtestingservice.com/2014cbttutorialview
Practice the GED Test with 2002 GED questions – http://gedtestingservice.com/GEDTS%20Tutorial.html
Varsity Tutors – online GED practice tests and flash cards. Also has ACT, SAT and other tests available. http://www.varsitytutors.com/practice-tests
Test Prep Review – Printable GED practice test with answer key http://www.testprepreview.com/ged_practice.htm
Study Guide Zone – GED study guide and practice. http://www.studyguidezone.com/gedtest.htm
Quizmoz – Lots of quizzes including GED – http://www.quizmoz.com/
Free Online Courses
Coursera – “Take the world’s best courses, online, for free.” https://www.coursera.org
Onlinecourses.com – browse free online courses and quickly find the course you are looking for. Watch out for the “Sponsored” search link, instead use “Browse by Category”. http://www.onlinecourses.com/
Makeuseof – 8 Websites to Take Free College Courses Online http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/8-awesome-websites-free-college-courses-online/
AALRC Programs
‘These programs are not free, but they are free for students enrolled in Arkansas’ Department of Career Education programs.
Teachers, please contact Rob Pollan to get setup with these programs and start enrolling students. Rob Pollan 479-649-5830, rob@aalrc.org
ACT WorkKeys – https://workkeyscurriculum.act.org/login
Aztec Plus (New Aztec) – Login https://plus.aztecsoftware.com
TABE / Aztec Correlations – http://staging.aalrc.org/adminteachers/resources/documents.html
Burlington English – https://app.burlingtonenglish.com
Canvas – https://aalrc.instructure.com/login/canvas
Essential Education – https://www.essentialed.com/manage/arkansas
Laces – https://laces.literacypro.com/laces
Rosetta Stone – new link for Rosetta Stone: arkansasalrc.rosettastoneclassroom.com (7/19/2017)
TABE 11/12 Testing Website – https://www.drcedirect.com
https://aalrc.org/documents/ – documents and printed materials order form
Transferring TABE Students – If you need a student transferred from one center to another, get email permission from the current center’s administrator and send the request along with the student’s name and date of birth to Rob Pollan rob@aalrc.org or Marsha Taylor marsha@aalrc.org and one of us will make the transfer.
Or you can use the TABE Transfer Form (PDF or Word) to get the students signature, then send it to Rob Pollan rob@aalrc.org or Marsha Taylor marsha@aalrc.org and one of us will make the transfer. You can also take a picture of the completed form and text it to Rob Pollan at 479-806-2617 .